About Me

Hi, I’m Jacquelynn!


And I’m a recovering CRITIC-HOLIC.

Yep, you heard right…critic-holic.

My Inner Critic contributed to many successes in my life, but it also drove me to near MADNESS!


There was always this pressure and need to do more, be more, and have more to prove myself and be heard…

Nothing ever felt enough…ME, my career successes, my husband, my family life, my network…

Down to even my hair, my wardrobe…and don’t even get me started on my shoes collection!

I was working around the clock to be the sexy kick-ass career woman and perfect mom….leaving virtually no time for my marriage or ME-time.

I put on a good show at work but the stress level at home was through the roof!

The slightest wrong gesture would cause WWIII to break out, with every day inching towards one argument away from divorce!

And that reality smacked me across the face one day, as I stared at the blank signature line of my divorce settlement…(while being laid off with $150K debt looming over me too!)

With nothing left to lose, I faced my Inner Critic head on and learned a few things.

I was able to reset my life, changed the narrative of my inner voice, and started living on MY terms! 

But sadly, many other high-achieving women also battle with the same struggles…

Keeping them from having the relationship of their dreams with their partner, growing a strong and loving family for their kids to flourish in, doing work that lights them up on the inside each day, being the sexy kick-ass career woman that they are!

That’s why it’s my mission to help strong and courageous women like yourself to conquer your Inner Critic so you can also have the confidence and peace of mind to be who you are and live the life you desire, without feeling like you need to do it all or compromise your joy, talents, and authenticity.

Because as women, we are the pillars of our families and communities.

And if we can help build each other up, leverage the synergies of our beautiful minds and hearts, we can build a world where NO ONE has to feel alone, invisible,  unloved, or not enough ever again.

Much love and blessings,


I Can Help You If:

  • You are DONE! feeling like you’re not enough
  • You are tired of worrying about the “could’ve”, “should’ve”, “would’ve”
  • You are exhausted from the daily emotional rollercoaster of your life
  • You want to feel more confident and excited about the direction of your life
  • You want to have a thriving career, loving family, and fulfilling life without working harder or compromising your joy, talents, and authenticity
  • You are ready to conquer your Inner Critic so you can feel connected with who you are, your purpose in life, those you love, and causes you to cherish
  • You are ready to proudly proclaim to the world: “THIS.IS.ME!…and THIS is what I stand for!”

Getting Started Is Simple


Schedule A Call

First, we chat…the honest and no BS kind. What keeps you up at night? What makes your heart sing? Where does it really hurt? No matter what your challenges are, I’ll make sure you’re set up with an action plan that you’re excited to move forward with.


We work together to conquer your Inner Critic and ward off unwelcomed visitors of Shame, Blame, Regret, and Guilt. I reconnect you with who are, your purpose in life, those you love, and causes you cherish so your life is full of clarity, joy, meaning, and vitality.


Be in love again!…with all aspects of your life! Radiate with joy, confidence, and classiness every day! Live life with a trust and knowing that YOU truly are the author of your own life story and can stand unshakable among the chaos and negativity around you!

Let’s Get Personal 

 I’ve helped my parents in the entrepreneurial space since I was 14. I’ve watched my dad turn employees and customers into raving fans in every business he created. That’s where I’ve learned most of my business and relationship management skills. 

 I’m a HUGE foodie and also LOVE to cook! To me, food is an expression of love and creativity. Appreciating how each dish is made, the culture and story behind it, the role of each ingredient, and the bonds created with others makes food so exciting and full of life!

 I’m a self-proclaimed introvert who loves to binge-watch a juicy Netflix drama series. But put me in a room of people and I suddenly blossom into a social butterfly! Observing, interacting, learning from, and uplifting people lights me up!

 I’m lovingly dubbed as “Sunshine” or “Mother Hen” by friends. I deeply care about other’s well-being, feel joy in expressing acts of kindness, and always have people’s back! That’s just how I roll! Because if we can’t have each other’s backs, then what the heck are we here for anyways?!

My son knows I absolutely LOVE spoiling him super rotten. Not in a way that makes him entitled or bratty. But in a way that lets him know he is always loved and cherished and teaches him the foundation to life is love and happiness. Isn’t that what every child deserves?

Ever wish...

You could just fast forward and skip some parts of your life? Or better yet, maybe just hit the damn “RESET” button and start all over again?

Well, you’re in luck…because you actually can!...(sorry, minus the button.) It just takes 3 simple steps.

Download my eBook and I’ll show you how in just 30 minutes a day, you can turn your overly busy, chaotic, and stressful life into an exciting, purposeful, and fulfilling adventure.

From one Super-Woman to another, THIS is our rite of passage!